Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Life is tough

Well I have a lot to tell. I went back to my normal swing shift schedule for two weeks at my day job, but then the trainee didn't show for 3 days. This was right after I came back from Vegas and he was left alone. After trying to do my job and train him for months, I must do it again. Not only that, I am back to graveyard. They now have a plan to train technicians in two months. I don't think this is enough time. period. This is just enough time to get them frustrated enough to walk away. I am thinking about having the next person train on swing, until they are comfortable. Then switching back to swing. I hate graveyard. I get migraines, so I don't switch back to day shift on my days off. This lack off sunlight just helps to depress me. I really need to do better for myself, even though the pay is good. Something has to give. I am so tired.

Soon I will be adding Allure leather, G-World, Elegant Moments, and dreamgirl lingerie to my website.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear your work life is not great right now. Hang in there! Greetings from Port Orchard, WA :)

Anonymous said...

Yeh, hang in there. But you should definitely try and find a balance that will work for you and where you can see sunshine each day :)